Goldberg Illuminations (2022)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Goldberg Variations, BWV988
Piano: Rachel Cheung
Light installation and lighting design: Amy Chan
Artist Statement:
In Goldberg Illuminations, we will transform the concert by expanding the audience’s experience through light and space, beyond the stage and into the auditorium, the entrance hall and the Prison yard. The different voices in Bach’s music can each stand on their own, but also combine to create a harmonious whole; in a similar fashion, we hope to place light and sound in dialogue with each other – from time to time, light will stand up for its own rights, or collaborate with and sometimes submit to music. This is not a revisiting of the Baroque past, but instead an exploration of the connections between the 280-year-old Goldberg Variations and every one of us in our contemporary time, and a return and 're-turn' to what is at the core among music, light, space and people.
Further reading:
Scenographic Participation and Co-creation: Light and Space as the Key Co-Performers, in an Interdisciplinary Classical Music Performance.